Wtf moments heroes of the storm
Wtf moments heroes of the storm

After Illidan rose to power in Outland, Maiev was imprisoned at the Warden's Cage in Shadowmoon Valley, where Akama and his Ashtongue Deathsworn served as her jailors. Maiev Shadowsong stood watch over the imprisoned Betrayer for ten thousand years, and hunted him relentlessly after he was released. In the aftermath, Maiev asked to be, and was appointed the jailor of Illidan Stormrage and took on the mantle of leader of the Watchers. Along with her younger brother Jarod Shadowsong, Maiev played a key role in the battle against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients.

wtf moments heroes of the storm wtf moments heroes of the storm

Maiev Shadowsong is a night elf Warden and former Priestess of Elune.

Wtf moments heroes of the storm